Saturday, October 16, 2010

Backaches and Leg Cramps

Throughout pregnancy you may experience more aches than normal. Backaches and leg cramps are high among the list of complaints and are normal.

Backaches are one of the most common complaints of pregnancy. They are caused by an increased sway in your lower back from the weight of your baby. Wear shoes with a low heel and try to be aware of your posture. To help relieev stress in your lower back, try sitting with your legs propped up so thatyou knees are higher than your hips. A warm bath and back rub may also help. Although backaches are common throughout pregnancy, a dull, low backache, especially if it "comes and goes" or develops a pattern, may be a sign of preterm labor.

When you are sleeping or resting you may be bothered by leg cramps. Leg cramps occur more frequently later in pregnancy because your enlarged uterus is slowing down the flow of blood back from your legs. The cramps can also be caused by fatigue or not enough calcium in your diet. A slow, gentle leg stretch before going to bed may help. Be sure to stretch through the heel, pointing your toes toward your nose. If you are having problems with leg cramps, tell your health care provider.

These are two common complaints with pregnancy, but be sure to tell your doctor if you're having problems with them.

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Eating Healthy While Pregnant

Eating healthy is an important part of pregnancy. While it can be hard with urgers, here are 5 quick tips to help you out along the way:

1. Pick Protein- Women need 20% more protein than normal during pregnancy. They should eat food like meat, poultry, and eggs.

2. Stock up on vitamins- Mothers need iron, folic acid and vitamin B6 in their diet. They should eat iron-fortified cereals and lean meats.

3. Drink fluids- They help maintain baby's and mom's blood supplies. To prevent dehydrations, drink 8 to 10 cups of water daily.

4. Relieve heartburn- Relax and eat slowly; small meals are best. Sit up while eating, and avoid lying down for at least an hour after a meal.

5. Pay attention to hunger cues- If mothers wait until they're ravenous, they're more likely to eat large amounts of unhealthy foods.

These are just a few tips to help you out. It's important to eat healthy during your pregnancy and there are many more dietary guidelines to follow. Ask your doctor or primary care physician for more advice.

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